Monday, October 25, 2010

Prepare for the Year End Mindset

It is almost November which means all the marketing for the holidays will be everywhere.  The push to the Christmas holidays will begin and everyone will be focused on getting through these times.

This makes our jobs much more get our potential clients to think about how we can help them can become tougher.  Depending on what your business is you may have to be creative in how you go about selling it but it's always good to be prepared for how seasonal changes can create selling challenges.

In my business, bookkeeping & business management, I have a good opportunity to help people get through this busy & stressful time.  By bring their books current and organizing their tax in formation, I bring relief to them during a stressful time.  This makes for a reasonable selling point because once people get through the holidays they begin stressing about taxes.  They usually aren't prepared for their CPAs so help looks good at this point in time.  When they receive a tax preparation packet from their CPA they know the clock is ticking to tax time.  It's a great opportunity for me and one that I try to tap into when working to get new clients.

For you, I don't know what your opportunity is but it's always good to think about and re-evaluate your position in selling yourself.  Always be aware of your customer's 'state of mind' what are the challenges they are facing for the business they are running?  If you can tap into that place it will give you clues to how you might be most effective in presenting yourself and selling your business to them.  You'll know immediately if you've got it right because their reaction will tell you that you understand their position. 

I remember the many companies I worked for and how people were not as focused during the holiday season as they were the rest of the year.  As an employee it can be a really enjoyable time but when you're in business for can be a challenge and one you'll need to prepare for.

Put on your thinking cap - it's Monday, another week for opportunities to be explored!

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